open import Prelude
{- Modeling Redis
Redis is an in-memory key-value datastore. It is essentially a hash
table with several built-in primitive value types.
From Redis's perspective, we're given access to some low-level
commands to store and retrieve data. The full list is documented
In this article, I will demonstrate how to construct a high-level,
type-safe abstraction over Redis's low-level commands via the Free
So without further ado, here are some of Redis's low-level commands:
RedisPrimitiveCommand = IO
-- simple key-value access commands
GET : (key : String) → RedisPrimitiveCommand (Maybe String)
SET : (key value : String) → RedisPrimitiveCommand ⊤
DELETE : (key : String) → RedisPrimitiveCommand ⊤
-- access commands for values in a built-in Redis list
GETLIST : (key : String) → RedisPrimitiveCommand (List String)
PREPEND : (key value : String) → RedisPrimitiveCommand ⊤
-- example usage
setHelloWorld : RedisPrimitiveCommand ⊤
setHelloWorld = SET "hello" "world"
addLanguageToFavorites : String → RedisPrimitiveCommand ⊤
addLanguageToFavorites = PREPEND "favoriteLanguages"
Ok! Now let's define our abstractions. I like to think of relations
between data types as paths, so for example, in a social network we
would have a path from UserId to Profile, a path from PostId to Post, etc.
Note that as in a category, there may be multiple paths between two types! For
example, `userPosts` and `userReposts` would be two distinct paths from
UserId to List PostId.
To distinguish between paths, I'll simply name them with a String.
record Path (a b : Set) {{_ : Serializable a}} {{_ : Serializable b}} : Set where
constructor name
prefix : String
record ListPath (a b : Set) {{_ : Serializable a}} {{_ : Serializable b}} : Set where
constructor name
prefix : String
We'll get back to using these Path types in a minute. For now, we need a
way to represent sequences of Redis commands as a data structure. Rather than
deal with the sequencing manually, we can simply defer this to the Free monad,
meaning all we really need from our Command structure is a Functor.
Simply providing a decoder parameter for each constructor will give us enough
power to make a Functor.
data Command {ℓ} : Set ℓ → Set ℓ where
lookup : ∀ {t : Set ℓ} → (key : String) → (Maybe String → t) → Command t
lookupList : ∀ {t : Set ℓ} → (key : String) → (List String → t) → Command t
store : ∀ {t} (key value : String) → (⊤ → t) → Command t
prepend : ∀ {t} (key value : String) → (⊤ → t) → Command t
delete : ∀ {t} (key : String) → (⊤ → t) → Command t
mapOp : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {t₁ : Set ℓ₁} {t₂ : Set ℓ₂} → (t₁ → t₂) → Command t₁ → Command t₂
mapOp f (lookup x d) = lookup x (f ∘ d)
mapOp f (lookupList x d) = lookupList x (f ∘ d)
mapOp f (store key value x) = store key value (λ _ → f (x tt))
mapOp f (prepend key value x) = prepend key value (λ _ → f (x tt))
mapOp f (delete key x) = delete key (λ _ → f (x tt))
commandIsFunctor : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} → Functor Command ℓ₁ ℓ₂
commandIsFunctor = record { _<$>_ = mapOp }
Redis = Free Command
To use our new Redis monad, we need to reify it back into IO. As an aside,
it's possible to define a pure implementation of Redis's primitives and
reify into that as well, meaning you could state and prove mathematical
properties about your relations and queries.
But for this article, we'll just reify back to IO.
reifyToPrimitive : ∀ {ℓ} {t : Set ℓ} → Redis t → RedisPrimitiveCommand t
reifyToPrimitive (Pure x) = pure x
reifyToPrimitive (MkFree (lookup x d)) = d <$> GET x >>= reifyToPrimitive
reifyToPrimitive (MkFree (lookupList x d)) = d <$> GETLIST x >>= reifyToPrimitive
reifyToPrimitive (MkFree (store key value d)) = d <$> SET key value >>= reifyToPrimitive
reifyToPrimitive (MkFree (prepend key value d)) = d <$> PREPEND key value >>= reifyToPrimitive
reifyToPrimitive (MkFree (delete key d)) = d <$> DELETE key >>= reifyToPrimitive
And one final piece to complete our abstraction: connect our Path concept to our new
Redis monad! Since the implementation of Command is private, access via a Path as
defined below is the only way to create a `Redis t`.
open Serializable {{...}}
lookupPath : ∀ {a b} {{_ : Serializable a}} {{_ : Serializable b}} → Path a b → a → Redis (Maybe b)
lookupPath (name prefix) x = wrap (lookup (prefix ++ serialize x) (λ x → join (deserialize <$> x)))
lookupListPath : ∀ {a b} {{_ : Serializable a}} {{_ : Serializable b}} → ListPath a b → a → Redis (List b)
lookupListPath (name prefix) x = wrap (lookupList (prefix ++ serialize x) (λ x → filter id (deserialize <$> x)))
setPath : ∀ {a b} {{_ : Serializable a}} {{_ : Serializable b}} → Path a b → a → b → Redis ⊤
setPath (name prefix) k v = wrap (store (prefix ++ serialize k) (serialize v) id)
prependPath : ∀ {a b} {{_ : Serializable a}} {{_ : Serializable b}} → ListPath a b → a → b → Redis ⊤
prependPath (name prefix) k v = wrap (prepend (prefix ++ serialize k) (serialize v) id)
deletePath : ∀ {a b} {{_ : Serializable a}} {{_ : Serializable b}} → Path a b → a → Redis ⊤
deletePath (name prefix) k = wrap (delete (prefix ++ serialize k) id)
runRedis : ∀ {ℓ} {t : Set ℓ} → Redis t → IO t
runRedis = reifyToPrimitive
And we're done! We can now define paths between our application data
types and control them via the Redis monad. Below are some usage examples
demonstrating how concise and safe our API is:
-- postulate some typical application types and their serializability
UserId PostId Profile Post : Set
userIdIsSerializable : Serializable UserId
postIdIsSerializable : Serializable PostId
profileIsSerializable : Serializable Profile
postIsSerializable : Serializable Post
-- and declare some Paths between our data types
UserId:Profile : Path UserId Profile
UserId:Profile = name "userIdToProfile"
UserId:Friends : ListPath UserId UserId
UserId:Friends = name "userIdToFriends"
UserId:Posts : ListPath UserId PostId
UserId:Posts = name "userIdToPosts"
PostId:Post : Path PostId Post
PostId:Post = name "postIdToPost"
-- and make our core application API!
getUserProfile : UserId → Redis (Maybe Profile)
getUserProfile = lookupPath UserId:Profile
getPost : PostId → Redis (Maybe Post)
getPost = lookupPath PostId:Post
getUserFriends : UserId → Redis (List Profile)
getUserFriends = lookupListPath UserId:Friends >=> filterA getUserProfile
getUserPosts : UserId → Redis (List Post)
getUserPosts = lookupListPath UserId:Posts >=> filterA getPost
createPost : UserId → PostId → Post → Redis ⊤
createPost userId postId post =
setPath PostId:Post postId post >>= λ _ →
prependPath UserId:Posts userId postId